Let's talk about one of the greatest internal debates for neurodivergent folks: laziness vs. executive dysfunction. Are you being lazy, or are you dealing with executive dysfunction? What's the difference between the two? Today, we're gonna break it down. Prepare yourself, the differences might surprise you. Lazines Does Not Exist by Devon Price: https://amzn.to/3mXSd7L 😊 Hi, I'm Megan Griffith, I'm a neurodivergent life coach and content creator on a mission to help neurodivergent folks embrace their strengths, cope with their struggles, and be their true, authentic selves. 💜 Resources That Might Help You ADHD & Autism Diagnosis Binders: https://neurodivergentmagic.com/shop/ Neurodivergent Love (neurodivergent relationships course): https://neurodivergentmagic.com/neurodivergent-love/ 💜 Ways to Work With Me (18+ only) 1:1 Coaching: https://neurodivergentmagic.com/coaching/ Neurodivergent Magic Coaching Program: https://neurodivergentmagic.com/neurodivergent-magic/ The Neurospicy Membership: https://neurodivergentmagic.com/membership/ If you or a loved one is experiencing an immediate mental health crisis, please go directly to the nearest emergency room. 💜 You matter. 💜

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