Trailwise2 is the most comprehensive green lane mapping tool that has ever existed in the UK. One of our Officers, Stuart Boreham, talks you through how to use Trailwise2 on mobiles and tablets. It may be helpful to watch our laptop and computer version first. Created, owned, and developed each year by the Green Lane Association, TW2 is free to access by members and is invaluable when route planning and researching legal and sustainable routes, and allows members to record comments and photos to inform other users of vital on the ground information. Formed in 1995 the Green Lane Association is a national organisation that promotes inclusive countryside access for all. Our members use green lanes for all sorts of reasons - work, pleasure, to help maintain public rights of way in the UK, or because they simply cannot experience the beauty of the countryside any other way. When you meet other users don’t forget to Smile & Wave! For more information, or to join, go to our websites: