US Navy Seals AMBUSHED The NVA (Real Combat Footage)! #Army #War #Military #NavySeal #Vietnamwar On October 31st, 1972, two soldiers from Sil Team 1 did a brave job gathering secret information and rescuing prisoners from an enemy base by a river in Vietnam. Before we dive into the bravery of October 31st, 1972, let's rewind six months to get a better understanding of what led up to the mission on that day.  6 MONTHS EARLIER:  It was on Easter Sunday, April 2, 1972, when Lieutenant Colonel Iceal "Gene" Hambleton ejected from a crippled EB-66 aircraft hit by an enemy SAM. He was the sole survivor among his five crewmates. Descending into enemy territory, he faced 30,000 North Vietnamese soldiers, part of a massive offensive pushing south. The area, once held by American and South Vietnamese forces, now lay under enemy control, marked by the Cua Viet River. Hambleton's parachute opened amidst heavy cloud cover, obscuring the ground below. Despite immediate Search and Rescue efforts, two Army helicopters dispatched to retrieve him were shot down. Another crew managed a controlled crash landing before being rescued. As night descended over northern South Vietnam, Hambleton found himself alone, surrounded by the advancing enemy. The Easter offensive of 1972 had unleashed one of the largest enemy offensives of the Vietnam War! Watch the whole video for more information! 🔔Subscribe now, and make sure you don’t miss out on our next thrilling war stories!

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