5 Signs You Are Born to be a Spiritual Healer. As we shift into the 5D world more and more Spiritual Healers are being called to step into their purpose. In todays video you'll learn 5 signs you are destined to be a healer and it's your time to step into your purpose. You are the creator of your life! xo Hey you! Welcome to my channel! I’m Charlene Lizette💕✨ Please SUBSCRIBE if you haven’t already!💕 I'm an Empowerment Coach and Spiritual Teacher. I've been placed on earth to empower you to reclaim their power and transform their life through spirituality and self love. 🌙 ENROL FOR THE NEW MOON RITUAL 🌙 Next One November 23 https://calendly.com/charlene-lizette/new-moon-ritual?month=2022-11 🛍 SHOP CRYSTAL AMULET JEWELLERY AT STARSEA JEWELS ✨ https://www.charlenelizette.com/starseajewels 🔮 BOOKING A SESSION 🔮 If you are interested in cosmic coaching, tarot reading and spiritual healing http://www.starseaacademy.com/ Find me on Instagram: @Charlenelizette Find me on TikTok: @CharleneLizette For Reviews visit https://www.facebook.com/CharleneLize... #charlenelizette #spiritualhealers #spiritualawakeningcoach charlene lizette, charlene lizette empowerment coach, charlene lizette spiritual teacher, signs you are a healer, signs of a healer

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