The Jungle Hunter from Predator versus The Scar Predator from AVP. Who Wins? In the Red Corner we have Jungle Hunter A Predator who, in 1987 Guatemala, hunted a US special forces team lead by Major Dutch Schaefer. He systematically killed the team one at a time, and took their skulls to add to his collection; until he was confronted by their leader, who, after an intense game of cat and mouse, mortally wounded the Predator by dropping a counterweight on top of him; after his defeat, Jungle Hunter activated his self-destruct device and killed himself. The Jungle Hunter was a skilled and experienced warrior, who was very strong, and good at hand-to-hand fighting, as well as being stealthy. Due to his skill, and that he hunted alone rather than in a group, he is assumed to be either a Blooded, or an Elite. For weapons and equipment, he was fairly lightly armed, with the basic Wristblades and Plasma Caster combo, and had a cloaking device, wrist-gauntlet, first aid kit, armour plating, and a biomask that enhanced his natural heat-vision. Strengths: Jungle Hunter was a seasoned warrior, and would only engage when he held the advantage, usually retreating if he was seen or wounded, showing he was not only a fierce warrior, but a smart one as well. Weaknesses: One of the main factors that contributed to his downfall was how he only had 1 vision mode, thermal vision, that his prey was able to take advantage of. If he had more modes to cycle through like others of his kind, this wouldn’t have occurred. Adding to this is that he only possessed rudimentary weaponry, and was relatively lightly armoured, giving him little in the way of protection. And in the Blue corner, we have the Scar Predator. The youngest and smartest of a trio of youngbloods taking part in their first Xenomorph hunt in Antarctica in 2004, during a ceremony that takes place every 100 years. Upon entering the pyramid, their hunt began to go awry when their plasmacasters they were to equip before the hunt started, were taken by the Humans, activating the pyramid and reviving the captive Alien Queen. His two brothers were both killed by an Alien, but Scar managed to kill some xenomorphs himself, before teaming up with Lex - one of the Humans, and together, they defeated the Queen, but Scar was killed in the process. Scar was young, and only had limited experience, but was intelligent and skilled, managing to kill a few of the Aliens, and becoming a Blooded Yautja by marking himself. He was fully armoured, and had a lot of weapons, including wristblades, a plasmacaster, a smart disc, a combistick, and a ceremonial dagger. He also had a cloak, wrist gauntlet, and biomask with multiple vision modes including Thermal vision, Alien Vision, and more. Strengths: Scar was an intelligent Yautja, who was well equipped with full body armour and advanced weaponry, his biomask had multiple vision modes, and he showed bravery in the face of overwhelming odds. Weaknesses: Being a YoungBlood, Scar is not as skilled as his opponent, and is not as experienced at fighting or stealth. So first I’d say if this fight took place at a distance, then at first, it’d seem that Scar would have the advantage, as he has not only a more advanced plasma caster packing more firepower, but he also has other ranged weapons such as his smart disc, which he could hurl at Jungle Hunter, or his combistick which he could hurl as a javelin even before his opponent has fired a shot, as it takes a few seconds to aim first. But on the other hand, The Jungle Hunter seemed to be the stealthier of the two, spending more time hidden in the treetops and watching his prey, waiting for the right moment instead of diving in head first like the AVP Predators seemed to do a bit more. I think Jungle Hunter would lie in wait until Scar came close, and then try and take him by surprise. But thanks to Scar having more vision modes, he’d have a better chance of detecting him, then Scar’s superior weaponry would give him the edge. So I would say that a ranged fight could go either way; so this round is a draw. And if this was a melee battle with weapons; Scar again has the better weaponry, his wristblades are much longer, and he also has his combistick. He also has more armour plating than Jungle Hunter, giving him more protection, but would also make him slower and less manoeuvrable, so if Jungle Hunter found an opening I think he could gain the upper hand. I think with melee weapons, Scar would have the edge overall. And then lastly, in a hand-to-hand fist fight with no weapons, I think this would go to Junge Hunter, as he’s more seasoned than Scar is, and a lot more tough and mean-looking. So this encounter would be a draw, as each Predator excels in areas where the other comes up short, and they balance one another out. #predator #prey

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