In 2007-08, the Serious Game Design Institute at Santa Barbara City College completed the "WorkPlay" online multiplayer game that was funded by the Economic and Workforce Development Program of the California Community Colleges. This grant project enabled the SGDI to pioneer an alternative to traditional training modes through the use of game-based management training in an online multiplayer environment. This training solution incorporated scenario-based management problem-solving situated in the context of the workplace. This grant funded project enabled the SGDI to pioneer an alternative to traditional training modes through the use of customized digital game-based management training simulations situated in a multiplayer online environment. This training solution incorporated scenario-based simulations of management problem-solving situated in the context of the workplace. Prior to the grant award, SGDI was already experimenting with development on the use of digital game-based learning in a multiplayer online game environment as an ideal combination of technology and pedagogy for engaging learners. This fully developed solution arose from that initial research and realized the potential that multiplayer online game-based training had to serve companies across California with, responsive, real-time, uniquely effective, customized management training. From the grant project’s successful completion in 2008, the SGDI continued forward to serve the EWD Program and California’s diverse game industry segments with an industry standard production capacity in place. This online digital game-based training production ecosystem incorporates Virtools multiplayer online game technology, Linden Lab’s Second Life Virtual World technology, Perforce asset management software, the Acrobat Connect Professional Enterprise virtual meeting system, the Moodle Learning Management System, custom PHP and SQL linkage components, a supporting web delivery topology comprised of multiple Dell web servers and VMware virtualization. Additionally, several members of that experienced production team that coalesced continued forward. Visit the portfolio page for the SGDI at for more about how the team from Course Games developed the online multiplayer training game and the SecondLife island.

Serious GameGame-Based LearningCompliance Training GameOnline Multiplayer GameSecondLife Training GameVirtoolsDassault SystemesManagement Training Game