全麦面粉是用没有去掉麸皮的麦类磨成的原色原味面粉,富含膳食纤维,一直受到很多追求健康饮食的人们的喜爱。但口感较粗糙做出的面包远不如白面包口感好。 这一次,请抛开成见。高达60%全麦含量的全麦面包,也可以绵绵地拉丝,像生吐司一样柔软湿润,同时低糖低油非常健康。 全麦面粉里的麦麸片像小刀片一样会破坏面筋,为了口感更好以及能搅打出很好的面筋,在制作面包的前一天晚上,我们需要所将全麦面粉和大约90%的水混合均匀后,放入冰箱冷藏软化麦麸皮。全麦粉经过长时间浸泡,麸皮在入口时就会柔和,还能产生面筋。 全麦面粉所含有的麦麸和胚芽吸水性很高,远高于普通白面粉。只有添加足够的水,才能做出柔软蓬松湿润的面包。这款面包含水量高达73%。因为全麦面粉的吸水性很强,同时面团搅打到位,使用一些小技巧,操作时还是比较容易的。 🔔欢迎订阅我的频道 https://bit.ly/3m6j12t 烤盘尺寸: Pullman 9x4x4" 我用的烤盘: https://amzn.to/32PucF9 🍞Pullman 9x4x4" 1条吐司食谱 面包材料: 高筋面粉 130g 细全麦面粉 200g 即溶酵母 4g 盐 5g 蜂蜜 40g 冷水 210g 烫种 55g 冷水 10g 无盐黄油 35g (软化的,Softened) 烫种材料: 高筋面粉 27g 100C° 沸水 34g 🍞Pullman 9x4x4" 2条吐司食谱 面包材料: 高筋面粉 260g 细全麦面粉 400g 即溶酵母 7g 盐 10g 蜂蜜 80g 冷水 420g 烫种 110g 冷水 20g 无盐黄油 70g (软化的,Softened) 烫种材料: 高筋面粉 Bread Flour 54g 100C° 沸水 Hot Water 68g 🍞 450g烤盒 1条吐司食谱 面包材料: 高筋面粉 104g 细全麦面粉 160g 即溶酵母 4g 盐 4g 蜂蜜 32g 冷水 168g 烫种 44g 冷水 8g 无盐黄油 28g (软化的,Softened) 烫种材料: 高筋面粉 22g 100C° 沸水 28g 🍞提前30分钟预热烤箱至350F° / 180 C° ,中低层烤38-40分钟 Preheat the oven to 350F° / 180 C° 30 minutes in advance, and bake for 38-40 minutes on medium low rack. 💕 Tips: ◆ Using yudane, I made 4 loaves of bread, because the water temperature is not easy to control when only 2 loaves are made, and the water will cool down faster. Make 4 loaves at a time, the temperature will be slowly drop if there is more water, and the dough will be better in gelatinization. ◆ Because there will be a little loss when doing yudane, so we have to calculate a little more in the yudane to avoid insufficient amount of materials. ◆ Unused yudane can be stored in the refrigerator for 3 days, and the frozen storage time will be longer. ◆ Freshly made yudane need to be cooled at room temperature before putting them in the refrigerator. ◆ The whole wheat flour contains flakes of bran which like a small blade, will easily destroy gluten. Be sure to mix it with enough water to soften it and put it in the refrigerator overnight. (4 hrs to 12 hours) Don’t let it sit for too long or else the bread will taste sour. Do not need to back to room temperature when using, directly mix and stir with other materials. ◆ To make whole wheat bread , you do not need to beat the dough to a very fine film. The mixing time must be controlled. The whole wheat flour mixed with water will be hydrated if you let it sit overnight. It is very easy to get gluten, you need make sure to not over kneed the dough and watch the mixing process carefully. 💕小帖士Tips: ◆ 在烫种的材料里面我做的是4条面包的量,因为只做2条时的水温不好控制,水降温会比较快,烫好的烫种糊化状态不太好,所以我每次都做4条,水多了降温会慢一点,面团糊化状态会更好一些。 ◆ 因为在做烫种时还会损耗一点,所以在烫种材料里还多算了一点,避免所需的材料量不够。 ◆ 用不完的烫种冰箱冷藏保存3天,冷冻保存时间会更久。 ◆ 刚烫好的烫种,需要室温冷却后才放入冰箱冷藏。 ◆ 全麦面粉里的麦麸皮,像小刀片一样会容易破坏面筋,一定要用足够的水混合后进行软化,放入冰箱冷藏4小时至12小时,不要放太久否则烤出的面包会有酸味。使用时不用回温,直接与其它材料混合搅拌。 ◆ 做全麦吐司不需要把面团搅打至手套膜,搅打时间一定要控制好,全麦粉通过水合法的方式,与水混合静止一晚后,还是很容易出筋,而且容易打过头 #全麦吐司 #WholeWheatBread #全麦面包 #蜂蜜全麦吐司 #HoneyWholeWheatBread Music used Old Soul by Jonny Easton Link: https://youtu.be/5lWXol9acYQ Check out his channel Link: https://www.youtube.com/jonnyeaston

60%全麦吐司60%全麦面包全麦蜂蜜吐司面包Whole Wheat Honey Bread全麦吐司面包全麦吐司汤种全麦吐司面包烫种种全麦吐司面包Whole Wheat BreadWhole Wheat pullman BreadYudane Whole Wheat BreadTangzhong Whole Wheat BreadJapanese Whole Wheat Bread Recipe烫种日式全麦吐司汤种日式全麦吐司日式全麦吐司japanese bread全麦吐司面包 配方Soft Fluffy Whole Wheat Bread Recipe如何烤全麦面包全麦面包制作如何制作全麦面包汤种全麦面包面包 拉丝拉丝 面包Yudane method breadYudane一觉吐司乃が美Nogami嵜本SAKImotoIchisatoriPullmanPullman Loaf