Female Fugitive" (1938), a gripping crime thriller that follows the dangerous life of a woman on the run! This fast-paced, classic crime film brings drama, suspense, and action from the heart of Old Hollywood. Plot Summary: A woman finds herself wrongfully accused of murder and becomes a fugitive, constantly on the run from both the law and those who seek to harm her. As she navigates a treacherous path to clear her name, she must outwit her pursuers and prove her innocence before time runs out. This crime drama showcases a strong female lead in a thrilling adventure from the Golden Age of cinema. Subscribe to Zenith Classic Movies for more timeless crime films and public domain classics! #FemaleFugitive #ClassicCrimeFilm #PublicDomainMovies #FreeFullMovie #CrimeThriller #1930sFilms #ZenithClassicMovies

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