The 108th anniversary of Türkiye's naval victory on the Gallipoli peninsula at the start of World War I is commemorated this Saturday with the traditional ceremony at the Martyrs' Monument, overlooking the Dardanelles strait – a symbol of Ottoman resilience against the Allies during the war. Türkiye will commemorate the 108th anniversary of Canakkale Victory and Martyrs’ Day on March 18. March 18 is considered one of the most significant victories in Turkish history and is commemorated with Turks honoring their fallen and war veterans. On that day in 1915, the months-long violence of the Gallipoli Campaign, in which Ottoman forces suffered huge losses defending Turkish shores in the northern Canakkale province from the invading Allies in WWI, came to an end with the Turks emerging victorious Canakkale serves as the entrance to the Istanbul Strait. If the Allies had succeeded in capturing the Gallipoli Peninsula, it would have likely given them an opportunity, a much-needed opening, to advance straight through and capture Istanbul, the former capital of the Ottoman Empire. The preparations initiated by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism and the Gallipoli Historical Site Directorate on the occasion of March 18 Martyrs' Day and the anniversary of the Çanakkale naval victory are almost complete. At the same ceremony, the reopening of Seddülbahir Fortress is set to take place on the occasion of the anniversary, Ismail Kaşdemir, the head of the historical site, said during an interview with Anadolu Agency (AA) earlier this week. Kaşdemir confirmed that the final preparations were made for the ceremonies to be held on March 18, adding that this year’s celebration carries monumental meaning as this year also marks the 100th anniversary of the Turkish republic. “We know very well that the concept of our republic emerged in Çanakkale, and the paths to our republic and our War of Independence began in Çanakkale. Therefore, we can claim that the foundations of our republic were laid in Çanakkale. That's why this year's ceremonies are more important, and we will mark (them) with great enthusiasm,” Kaşdemir said. Pointing out that the directorate of the historical area carried out significant renovations, including maintenance of the martyr monument, Kaşdemir said that visitors will be able to feel the spirit of Çanakkale and observe it from different perspectives. Video From: #turkey #turkish #türkiye #türkçe #istanbul #erdoğan #erdogan

turkeyCanakkale VictoryMartyrs’ Day on March 18Gallipoli peninsulaOttoman EmpireottomanWW1world war 1World War I Canakkale Victory and Martyrs’ Day ceremony on March 18gallipoliçanakkaleçanakkale zaferi18 mart çanakkale zaferiçanakkale savaşıTurkish 108th anniversary of Canakkale Victory and Martyrs’ Day on March 18 | Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.erdoganerdogan speechrecep tayyip erdogancanakkale victory