澌滅 The Disappearance 海域生物遭受人類的捕捉濫殺,活生生的被利器奪走了生命。以刀、魚槍組成魚鰭,象徵傷害。 The image portrays the selfishness of human beings that causes sea creatures to face extinction, they are brutally slaughtered with all kinds of tools. 物種: 瓶鼻海豚 Species: Bottlenose Dolphin 設計: 賴韵如 Designer: Lai Yuin Lu Subscribe our channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC508... Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/savemedesign/

澌滅The DisappearanceDolphin海豚disappear消失marine life海域生物fishlife生命用設計關懷世界關懷save mesave me designdesign設計knifeslaughtersea creatures濫殺bottlenose dolphin瓶鼻海豚瀕臨絕種動物Endangered Animals