In this video me and my dad are planting the food plots behind our house. We don't hunt on our property we only own 5 acres and 2 acres of cover. We are far away from the bedding. These plots mainly act as nighttime food sources and great winter food sources for the local deer herd. In previous years we have mainly just planted soybeans. This year we planted some corn too. last years we ran out of beans in mid February. I am hoping the corn will last a little longer because it should yield higher than the beans.

Corn Food PlotsSoybean Food plotsPlanting Corn and Soybean Food PlotsDrilling Corn and beansBroadcasting soybeansPlanting soybeans for deereagle seed forage soybeanssoybeans for deerBroadcasting a soybean food plotCorn vs Beans food plots