TUAB0207LB - Daclatasvir plus sofosbuvir with or without ribavirin in patients with HIV-HCV co-infection: interim analysis of a French multicenter compassionate use program K. Lacombe1, H. Fontaine2, C. Dhiver3, E. Rosenthal4, S. Metivier5, T. Antonini-Michelle6, M.A. Valantin7, P. Miailhes8, S. Harent9, D. Batisse10, G.-P. Pageaux11, H. Aumaitre12, S. Dominguez13, J. Chas14, T. Allegre15, A. Lafeuillade16, P. De Truchis17, V. De Ledinghen18, V. Leroy19, E. Billaud20, P. Sogni2, F. Dabis21, L. Wittkop21, C. Duvivier22, A. Filipovics23, L. Fedchuk23, Y. Bennai23, D. Salmon24

IAS 2015IAS Conference on HIV Pathogenesis Treatment and PreventionIASHIV and AIDSVancouver IAS ConferenceHIV/AIDSDominique SalmonTUAB02