-this aint even fair.. MADDOX RFB CLASS SETUP ON COD BO4! BEST MADDOX RFB CLASS SETUP BLACK OPS 4 -Thank you for watching, drop a like if you enjoyed!!! -If you haven't already go check out my two most recent videos: UNLOCKING DARK MATTER & 27 DIAMOND CAMOS in 1 GAME! - Get DARK MATTER FAST in COD BO4! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M08oob3tFpk OPERATOR MOD MAKES THIS UNSTOPPABLE! BEST AUGER DMR CLASS SETUP IN BO4! BLACK OPS 4 AUGER CLASS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=duwUlnbhgMsm -Help me hit 5K!! https://goo.gl/7xhe2v -📺Make sure to Subscribe! https://goo.gl/7xhe2v 🎮If you would like to improve your aim check out KontrolFreeks, be sure to use code "Sahsouh" for 10% off! https://www.kontrolfreek.com/ -My Social Medias: -Follow me on Twitter @Sahsouh https://goo.gl/5FsrK9 -Follow me on Instagram @Sahsouh https://goo.gl/p4f4Mk -Follow me on Twitch @KRNGSahsouh https://goo.gl/sUoHyV -Join my discord https://discord.gg/reATXQa -I'm a proud member of KARNAGE Clan! Go check out their channel and Twitter: https://www.youtube.com/user/KARNAGEclan https://twitter.com/KARNAGEclan -I only actively use one PSN- SAHSOUH. I DO NOT have any Xbox GTs or Steam Accounts! -Join my PSN Community "Sahsouh Subs" -All music used in this video is used purely for entertainment of the video, I do not own of this music but if you would like to know the song name leave a comment. #Bo4 #BlackOps4 #CODBo4

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