再見了巨人,感激你一路陪伴,我真的很快樂。 ──────────────────────────────────── 備注 : 影片內容一律為娛樂分享用途 不作任何有關的盈利/商業用途。 ──────────────────────────────────── 【 マッド ︳ Music Anime Dōga ︳ MAD】 進擊の巨人 ︳ Attack on titan ︳ 進擊的巨人 ──────────────────────────────────── 【歌曲】 劇場版『進擊的巨人』 後篇~自由之翼~ ︳主題曲 進擊的巨人 The Final Season 完結篇 後篇 ︳插曲ost 《the DOGS》 ︳Hiroyuki Sawano https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iW3NGzslPik&ab_channel=HiroyukiSawano-Topic ──────────────────────────────────── 【MAD 製作】 後期剪接:Siu Man ──────────────────────────────────── 【歌詞原文/繁中譯】 翻譯 : Siu Man See it on the people's faces everyewhere 看看周遭人們的臉龐 Black'n'blue but they won't throw the towel in 即使他們遍體鱗傷但不會認輸 And let go of a dream 他們捨棄夢想 Man, women, child prepare to bleed 如箭在弦 Were we born to lose and let goliath win? 難道我們生來便注定無法擊倒巨人? Heavy air and screaming as you pull the pin 凝重的空氣伴隨尖叫聲讓人無法承受 Our world is collapsing but we can rebuild it 我們的世界正在崩潰 但我們可以重建 A 100 more years in the fire 再百多年陷於火中 Do you believe that we can just kill them all? 你是否相信我們可以殺光巨人? Do you believe that we can conquer this? 你是否相信我們可以凱旋而歸? Can't delete all the mess that I have seen 無法抹去那些瘡痍滿目的陰影 Fall in the fire but these burns will heal you 墮落於火海中 但那些火焰將治癒你 Gonna take your knives and skills they must be honed 打磨你的刀刃 鍛煉你的技能 Show your mom your lives and give a dog a bone 向母親証明成果 索求如獎賞般的狗骨頭 Just wait for centuries 等上幾個世紀 Man, women, child long to be free 人們渴望自由 When we die we ask our brothers one more time 當我們將要逝去時 再一次追問戰友們 If the meaning of our lives was worth a dime 要是我們的犧牲的意義好比一毛錢 Our world oxidizes but will surprise us 即使我們的世界正在腐爛 呈現的卻是驚喜 A 100 more years in the fire 再百多年陷於火海中 Do you believe that we can just kill them all? 你是否相信我們可以殺光敵人? Do you believe that we can conquer this? 你是否相信我們可以凱旋而歸? Can't delete all the mess that I have seen 無法逃離那些瘡痍滿目的陰影 Fall in the fire but these burns will heal you 墮落於火海中 但那些火焰將治癒你 Coming down to show you what to do 親身示範給你必須完全的事情 How to die with honor, dignity 如何帶著尊嚴 光榮地死去 We should delete all the mess out from our sight 我們該把所有瘡痍從視野中去除 What is truth is for me and you? 這是屬於我們世界的真相 Do you believe that we can just kill them all? 你是否相信我們可以斬斷仇恨的連鎖? Do you believe that we can conquer this? 你是否相信我們可以凱旋而歸? Can't delete all the mess that I have seen 無法抹去那些歷歷在目的罪惡 Fall in the fire but these burns will heal you 葬身於火海中 但那些火焰將拯救你 Coming down to show you what to do 親身示範給你必須完成的事情 How to die with honor, dignity 如何帶著尊嚴 光榮地死去 We should delete all the mess out from our sight 我們應該斬斷眼前的悲劇輪迴 What is truth is for me and you? 這是屬於我和你的命運 ──────────────────────────────────── #進撃の巨人TheFinalSeason #進擊的巨人完結篇 #進擊的巨人 #AttackonTitan #AttackonTitanAMV #AttackonTitanMAD #進撃の巨人MAD #進擊的巨人MAD #theDOGS #進擊的巨人OST #進擊的巨人AMV #AttackonTitanOST #HiroyukiSawano #澤野弘之