One of the leading figures in the French Revolution and also the Reign of Terror that came after was Maximilien Robespierre. Robespierre was a brutal man who championed the executions of over 17,000 people who were marched into public squares in France where they were executed on the guillotine. His idea was that using terror and fear would stop people from questioning the new order, and Robespierre wanted to stamp out all of the notions and feelings of monarchy that could be found within the French civilians. But despite the guillotine blade falling dozens of times a day across the country, Robespierre himself would fall from grace and he was executed himself. People got tired of the fear, and Robespierre was executed on the same guillotine as King Louis XVI in Paris at the Place de la Revolution. But after his death, his head was then subjected to a cast by Madame Tussaud, and this shows the harrowing final moments of the man regarded by many as a despotic tyrant. But what is the story of the head of Robespierre?

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