Time Management & Productivity - Ask Loy Machedo Everyone wants to manage time. Make use of each and every second so that whatever you do, how much effort you put and whatever it is you plan - gives you the maximum result. There have been so many people who have come up with strategies, ideas, theories, thoughts and approaches to utilizing time the best way possible. Tons of books have been written about it. Hundreds of experts & authors have spoken about it. Yet - this still remains to be a challenging topic for many. The fact remains - no matter what you do - you can never control time. You can never utilize time 100%. It will always be a struggle. Sometimes you will succeed. But most of the time you will not. However, there is a solution to this challenge. These are my strategies 1) Always focus on the most important task 2) Ask yourself what task will give you the biggest and greatest benefit. 3) Follow the 80/20 rule 4) Do not seek to do more work. Rather ask yourself how can you do less work but earn more 5) Always be aware of what is going on and keep notes. These are some of the points I covered in this video. Let me know your thoughts. ------------------------------- TO CONTACT loy@loymachedo.com | +66-92-541-4784 TO SUPPORT MY CHANNEL Please send money via paypal to loy@loymachedo.com QUORA PROFILE https://www.quora.com/profile/Loy-Machedo MENTORING SERVICES http://thinkpersonalbranding.com/ MY BLOG https://loymachedo.com WHO AM I? http://whoisloymachedo.com MORE ABOUT ME? Google My Name "Loy Machedo"

Loy MachedoPersonal BrandingThink Personal BrandingAsk Loy MachedoTimeManagementTime ManagementProductivity