New CHEAT in Lineage 2 Revolution. Farming BOT script for emulators. Used by, on our server, top clan thats also old Castle of Darkness wich pretty much gets 'the whole game destroyed. See the video, sperad it all over. Using these scripts are BANNABLE. The game gonna get deserted in a month if nothing is done. People playing hundreds, thousands of Euro and then a script in a emulator destroys whole game. The script runs while yu are afk/sleeping and when u die7get killed it ressurect you ans run to last spot and start farm again. NETMARBLE act now please Please. If you play this game, and not cheating urself, share and like this video, thats how we spread it. We need to stop this now, not in 2 weeks, NOW. Some people already left the game because of it. And NETMARBLE, if you want to know what the script is called you can PM me (and i only answer if its from the Netmarble company) and i tell you what the script is. I do not post it in this text ofcourse.

CheatScriptLineage 2 RevolutionL2RDungeonBOT