👉 Watch more ▶ https://bit.ly/finite-future ------------------------------ TRANSCRIPT Researchers have developed the MiniTouch prosthetic limb, a groundbreaking innovation that enables wearers to sense temperature and experience warmth, enhancing human connections for amputees. By transmitting thermal information from the prosthetic fingertip to the wearer's residual arm, the device allows for accurate differentiation between hot and cold objects. Unlike previous approaches, MiniTouch integrates seamlessly with commercial prostheses, requiring no surgical intervention. Clinical trials demonstrated its ability to allow users to differentiate between temperatures accurately, showcasing the device's potential for widespread adoption. Source: https://www.cell.com/med/fulltext/S2666-6340(23)00404-X ------------------------------ ABOUT Finite Future brings you the latest future technology and science news that can disrupt the world we live in – for better or worse. • We are concerned about the future of humanity. • We care about our planet. • We want to make the world a better place. You are here because you share the same values. Please become a Supporter! 👉 Subscribe ▶ https://bit.ly/FF-subscribe

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