Whenever I ask an actor what they want to do most of them say I want to be a working actor. While this sounds like the logical and non greedy Choice it is actually the worst thing you can say because it is completely General and completely on actionable. To accomplish something you have to be able to name what it is and working as an actor is as general as working in any other field. It doesn't really mean anything. The key to getting on the path to your dream acting job he's to know exactly what that job looks like. Define it in the most specific terms possible. Once you know what it is then you can trace a path to it. Once you have named your dream acting job now you must figure out how to get there. The simplest way is to draw a straight line and put a series of Milestones on that line. The Milestones will represent the steps between where you are now and your dream acting job. It could be something like book your First Coast are as your first step. Your last step might be to be a series regular in a genre that you are most interested in. Once you have all of your Milestones written down you just need to look at the first one and focus on that. Everything else is irrelevant until you get to that first Milestone. So draw up a list of things you think you need to do as though you came from another planet and landed on Earth without any idea of what all of the actors and casting directors and agents will tell you about becoming an actor. You know deep inside of you exactly what it takes to accomplish what you want. It is only because we look for shortcuts or because we are scared of making mistakes that we ask others but others can never tell us what is best for us. Now that you have your dream acting job and you know what your Milestones are and your list of things to get to your first Milestone all you have to do is put your head down and do the work. Before you know it you will reach that first Milestone and then you can move on to the second. It's amazing how simple accomplishing things can be if you just stop thinking and start doing. I hope you enjoyed this video. If you liked it, please like it. Please share this video And subscribe to my YouTube channel. Hackhollywood.com, davidpatrickgreen.Com, actorpower.com

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