Uncover the secrets of Brunel's Thames Tunnel with Lauren as she heads to the Brunel Museum in Rotherhithe, London. The first EVER tunnel built under a river in the world, this was a feat of engineering so incredible that it was once considered to be the eighth wonder of the world!! As Lauren heads underground to explore the original entrance she is met with voices from the past, who reveal the story of the tunnel. Hear from Sophia Kingdom Brunel, Isambard Kingdom Brunel and Shopkeeper Peggy. A huge thanks to the Brunel Museum for working with us on this episode! I hope this episode inspires you to visit this wonderful hidden gem in London for yourselves! Further Resources: The Brunel Museum have a fantastic dramatisation series which looks at the lives of the workers in the tunnel, which I highly recommended checking out: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6FEivDMq6idxpMYcok8cjs4oSStiXOxP Get in touch with me below: Email: lauren@laurenandthestorybox.co.uk Website: https://laurenandthestorybox.co.uk Instagram: https://instagram.com/laurenlearnshistory Twitter: https://twitter.com/Lauren_Grierson Facebook: https://facebook.com/LaurenLearnsHistory Collaborators: A HUGE thank you to ALL our collaborators involved in this episode who helped make this possible!! Brunel Museum Website: https://thebrunelmuseum.com YouTube: https://youtube.com/channel/UCeEQjDtvQfENVCyh95VN7Kg Instagram: https://instagram.com/brunel_museum Facebook: https://facebook.com/pages/Brunel-Museum Elizabeth MacPherson as Sophia Kingdom Brunel Director of Past Times Living History Website: http://ptlh.org YouTube: @PastTimesLivingHistoryTV Instagram: https://instagram.com/past_times_living_history Twitter: https://twitter.com/history_past Facebook: https://facebook.com/thegotolivinghistorygroup Darrell Rivers as Isambard Kingdom YouTube: The Ministry of History- https://youtube.com/channel/UCOEK1XVCx5sdvZyPipzbSag/featured and @LordRivers Instagram: https://instagram.com/lord.rivers Abigail Halley as Peggy Instagram: https://instagram.com/abigailhalley Twitter: https://twitter.com/AbigailHalley1 Enjoying our series? Find out how you can help support our content over on Patreon or tip us a coffee on Ko-Fi: Patreon: https://patreon.com/LaurenLearnsHistory Ko-Fi: https://ko-fi.com/laurenlearnshistory

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