Video: Audio: New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke. A description of the harsh life and persecution under the Turks. We are persuaded of the love of God by living with the love of God in our hearts. The necessity of living in this way. We can expect, and should be prepared for, persecution. God will not allow us to be tried beyond our capacity, but we will be tested. We can endure with patience if we live with God in our hearts. 3rd Sunday after Pentecost (June 25, 2023 / June 12, 2023) Timestamps: 0:11 Beginning of the sermon. 0:11 – 4:34 The New Martyrs of the Turkish Yoke. A main difference between these latter-day martyrs and the early Christian martyrs. “For I am persuaded that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.” 4:34 – 6:48 “For I am persuaded…” How do we become “persuaded”? 6:49 More on “becoming “persuaded”” We must do practical things. 8:18 – 9:11 The essence of Christianity is not believing stuff or doing stuff, or correct doctrine or dogma, or fasting, or anything else – it is having God in the heart and *reacting* to His presence there. 9:11 – 10:37 If you are living in any way indifferent to the presence of God in your heart, you are in grave danger. 10:37 – 13:42 A cautionary tale about someone who did not nurture the presence of God in his heart – and committed suicide. 13:42 – 14:25 Are you a pillar? Are you confident that you can have a lackluster spiritual life, and not crumble when severely tested? 15:05 – 17:20 What about grief? You can not only endure it, but even become better, because of it, if you do practical things to react to God in your heart. 17:20 - 18:58 What are you going to do if things get really bad? Here is the only plan that will work. 18:58 – 23:21 St Paul could have said “I believe”, but instead, he said “I am persuaded”, because he described the *process* of Christianity in each of us. And my confusion regarding those who do not fully participate in this process. 21:17 – 22:44 “We know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose” Romans 8:28 HOW DO WE KNOW THIS?

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