This video has the purpose of displaying several views of the tornado at the same time to allow for clear views at any given time during its lifetime for easier analysis of the storm's structure and behaviour. This video uses various pieces of storm chaser and storm chaser group footage and I do not claim to own any of their media. This video is not monetised and exists strictly to provide an educational purpose. All the links of the videos used are displayed between 0:15 and 1:00. Please watch the original videos to give support to these storm chasers, enthusiasts and scientists. They deserve the attention and praise for their video directly, not here. Also make sure to check out the Tornado Environment Display (TED), which provided many videos you see here: 00:00 Disclaimer and Credits Tornado Timeline: 1:00 6:00pm CDT : Wall Cloud appears from storm base. 1:30 6:00pm - 6:03pm : Several small spin-ups occur beneath the wall cloud/mesocyclone. 4:20 6:03pm : Tornado touches down 4:40 6:03pm - 6:06pm : The tornado maintains a multi-vortex structure travelling SSE at around 20mph 7:00 6:06pm - 6:07pm : The tornado takes the form of a "bowl-shaped" tornado. 8:00 6:07pm - 6:09pm : The tornado regains a multi-vortex form. 10:00 6:09pm - 6:11pm : The tornado becomes a stout cone/wedge. 12:00 6:11pm : The tornado becomes partially rain-wrapped. 14:00 6:13pm : The tornado becomes a pronounced wedge and is becoming much more shrouded in rain. 15:30 6:14pm - 6:16pm : The main wedge circulation is surrounded by several large satellite tornadoes, alluding to its formation into a MVMC (multi-vortex mesocyclone) with tornadic winds. 17:00 6:16pm : The tornado becomes very heavily shrouded in rain and appears to fade away (most likely due to transition into MVMC). 17:40 6:16pm - 6:17pm : Rain clears away substantially enough to reveal the tornado has returned to a multi-vortex like structure while the tornadic wind field grows to mammoth proportions. 18:20 6:17pm - 6:18pm : Rain briefly shrouds the tornado again. 19:00 6:18pm - 6:20pm : Rain clears somewhat to reveal stout cone/multi-vortex stovepipe as it approaches and crosses US-81. 21:00 6:20pm : The condensation funnel becomes completely wrapped in rain, although the tornadic wind field is now defined by the entire area of rain. 22:00 6:21pm - 6:22pm : Rain clears out North of the tornado providing a few viewers a view of the tall cone/stovepipe tornado. Meanwhile viewers South of the tornado can see a ground scraping mesocyclone (the MVMC) very slightly behind the heavy rain. 23:00 6:22pm - 6:23pm : The tall cone/stovepipe tornado appears to very quickly grow into an extremely large wedge (with small sub-vortices inside it) is viewed from the north while people viewing from the south can now see the large ground scraping MVMC but are unable to view the wedge itself as rain inside the MVMC obscures their view. 24:00 6:23pm - 6:26pm : The wedge starts to break down into smaller vortices (even though these are the same size as regular tornadoes or even larger) and begin to orbit around each other under the MVMC. The rain inside the MVMC clears out giving viewers from the South a view of the tornado. 27:00 6:26pm - 6:29pm : The main tornado melts away into more rain that is collecting in the MVMC and good views of the tornado vanish from all angles. Only the MVMC is visible now. 30:40 6:30pm - Onwards : The rain-wrapped MVMC slowly weakens and shrinks until it dies on I-40 at 6:40pm. This timeline is my personal interpretation of the life of this tornado and shouldn't be taken as fact. This is just how I believe the tornado progressed based on what can be observed by watching the video.

El RenoTornadoEl Reno Tornado2013OklahomaWidestBiggestTim SamarasStormStorm ChasingSyncedWeatherSynced videos