瑜伽休息术(Yoga Nidra)是古老瑜伽中的一种颇具效果的放鬆艺术。通过短短的十几分钟时间,就快速放鬆身体的各部位和神经的紧张,让自己在休息术后,没有疲劳,只感到舒畅、轻鬆和精力亢沛。瑜伽休息术,是任何一个人都可以做的,是一帖简单而有效的放鬆身心的良方。 Yoga Nidra is an effective relaxation art in ancient yoga. Through a short few minutes, on the rapid relaxation of various parts of the body and nerve tension, let oneself relax in the rest, no fatigue yoga rest, is anyone can do, is a simple and effective way to relax. 1.) Heals Trauma 治愈创伤 2.) Reduces Stress 减轻压力 3.) Reduces Chronic Pain 减轻慢性疼痛 4.) Reduces PMS Symptoms 减少经前综合征症状 5.) Improves Sleep and Reduces Insomnia 改善睡眠并减少失眠 6.) Promotes immune system function 促进免疫系统功能 7.) Eases symptoms of anxiety, depression, psychological distress, anger, and hostility 缓解焦虑,抑郁,心理困扰,愤怒和敌对的症状