红烧牛排骨是一道经典的中式炖煮菜品,以其软烂入味、汤汁浓郁的特点深受欢迎。这道菜选用新鲜牛排骨为主料,配以简单的调味料如酱油、老抽、八角和姜片,通过高压锅炖煮使肉质达到几乎脱骨的程度,最后收汁点缀胡萝卜和葱花,既美味又营养。 配料: - 新鲜牛排骨 - 冰糖 - 生抽 2大勺 - 老抽 1茶匙 - 料酒 - 八角 2个 - 姜片(一大块) - 盐适量 - 胡萝卜 - 葱花装饰 烹饪步骤: 1. 牛排骨充分清洗,冷水下锅焯水 2. 焯水后再次清洗干净,去除血水 3. 高压锅中加入所有调味料和牛排骨 4. 加入适量热水 5. 上气后转中火压30分钟 6. 开盖后转普通锅,加入胡萝卜 7. 大火收汁5-10分钟 8. 撒上葱花即可享用 注意要点: 1. 焯水时使用冷水下锅,可以更好地去除血水 2. 焯水和清洗要够充分,这样炖出来的汤汁才会清亮 3. 高压锅时间要足够,确保肉质软烂 4. 收汁时火候要适中,避免糊锅 5. 可以根据个人口味调整调味料的用量,尤其是酱油和盐的比例 6. 最后收汁时要注意观察汤汁粘稠度,不要收得太干 7. 建议趁热食用,但不要太烫,以免影响口感 Braised beef short ribs is a classic Chinese dish beloved for its tender, flavorful meat and rich sauce. This dish uses fresh beef short ribs as the main ingredient, combined with simple seasonings like soy sauce, dark soy sauce, star anise, and ginger. The pressure cooking method makes the meat so tender it nearly falls off the bone. The dish is finished by reducing the sauce and garnishing with carrots and green onions, creating a dish that's both delicious and nutritious. Ingredients: - Fresh beef short ribs - Rock sugar - Light soy sauce (2 tablespoons) - Dark soy sauce (1 teaspoon) - Chinese cooking wine - Star anise (2 pieces) - Ginger (one large piece) - Salt to taste - Carrots - Green onions for garnish Cooking Steps: 1. Thoroughly wash the beef ribs and blanch in cold water 2. Rinse again after blanching to remove any blood 3. Add all seasonings and beef ribs to pressure cooker 4. Add appropriate amount of hot water 5. Once pressurized, reduce to medium heat and cook for 30 minutes 6. After releasing pressure, transfer to regular pot, add carrots 7. Reduce sauce on high heat for 5-10 minutes 8. Garnish with green onions and serve Key Points to Watch: 1. Start with cold water when blanching to better remove blood and impurities 2. Thorough blanching and washing are crucial for a clear, clean-tasting broth 3. Ensure sufficient pressure cooking time to achieve tender meat 4. Monitor heat carefully when reducing sauce to avoid burning 5. Adjust seasonings to taste, particularly the ratio of soy sauce and salt 6. Watch the sauce consistency during reduction - don't let it get too dry 7. Best served hot but not scalding to fully appreciate the flavors and textures

煮夫查理煮夫Charlie红烧牛排排骨braised beef short ribsshort ribsbeef