Keoni Watson comes across like your long lost best friend. So happy and positive and approachable; and just the nicest, most humble guy. When you hear the stories of who his mentors were, who his friends are, and where and how he grew up… you quickly start to connect the dots. Then you hear of his accomplishments in the surf and paddling worlds and in the surf industry; all at the very highest levels, and the awe creeps in. Keoni is one of those people. Humble, cool, funny, wicked smart and incredibly accomplished on so many levels. His story is so rad, you will love this guy. 00:00 - “You were an icon in the surfing world.” 9:38 - Family and mentors played key roles in Keoni’s career. 11:41 - Dealing with hazing and then finding his beach community. 22:39 - Looking back on how things shaped up. 29:31 - “Surfing fueled my competitive spirit and passion.” 33:33 - Surfing journey from Makaha to Waimea. 36:43 - Pursuing passion through surfing and career diversification. 46:36 - Transitioned to the surf industry. 47:36 - Met sharp and funny palm tree seller, Mike. 56:37 - Gordon and Bob transitioned from Billabong to Hurley. 59:27 - Gordon recognized Paul's expertise in various areas and recommended him for a leadership position.. 1:06:16 - Surf industry merging with hardware stores. 1:11:09 - Initial lack of goals and then immersion into surfing. 1:15:02 - Driven by competitiveness, seeking greater challenges in racing. 1:20:06 - Excited for island race and board rules. 1:28:09 - Navigating the rhythm of surfing and swells. 1:32:35 - The regatta in Hawaii includes races for all ages and fun activity for families. 1:34:50 - Keone Watson is super cool and engaging!