Oh boy this episode was a cold shower in our STALKER Road to the North Playthrough. After getting some gear and moving towards garbage pretty confidently to continue our adventure... well lets say things didn't go as planned... We'll have to completely rethink our strategy moving forward. I'm not gonna say more, but this one is action packed! Enjoy the video! 00:00 Intro 01:00 Getting in garbage 03:00 Making new friends 06:50 This game is hard 11:30 Bandits Ambush 15:55 New Toys! 17:05 Military Shenanigans' Check out http://www.road-to-the-north.com/ if you want to try the mod.

stalker road to the northstalker road to the north gameplaystalker road to the north playthroughstalker cheeki breekiroad to the northstalker gameplaystalker rttnroad to the north gameplayroad to the north playthrough