"Today, we're mucking out the chicken coop to keep our chickens happy and healthy like in this winter video!" 1.Gather your supplies. Here's what you need: Gloves, a rake, a wheelbarrow, shovel, and fresh bedding. We also use Diatomaceous Earth or PDZ sprinkled on the bedding. 2. Cleaning Process: Remove the old bedding and muck, sweeping the coop clean, and disposing of the waste in a compost bin. (We do this every other week in the summer with our large coop; Brooding boxes daily and weekly; during the winter- about every three weeks as the manure helps keep the coop warm in the cold winter months) Always assess and monitor. Nothing gets wasted, even the waste! It goes directly to our compost pile we call Muck Mountain. 3. Refreshed Coop: Add fresh bedding and making the coop cozy again for the chickens. 4. Happy Chickens: Chickens love exploring their clean coop and enjoying their refreshed environment. 5. Conclusion: "A clean coop means healthy heathy chickens"