Definitions often fall by the wayside in competitive Scrabble, with elite players treating words as playing pieces rather than linguistic units. But words are cool, and learning more of them is fun. Still, some of the definitions given by the Scrabble dictionary are completely bonkers. In this video, I'll give my top 10 crazy Scrabble word definitions - let me know which one was your favorite! For anyone curious, here are the lexicon affiliations of each word cited. (SPOILERS) SPICA, BEHOLDEN, GALABIEH: NWL ABROOKE, PAIOCKE, PRENZIE, SWINGISM, MONTEM: CSW GAPPING and CHUMPING are NWL, but only take S hooks in CSW. Please do not ask which GALABIEH variants are in which dictionary. You will quickly go insane. Sometime soon, I plan to resume streaming on my Twitch channel: I will also soon resume my weekly show on the official Scrabble Twitch channel (Tuesdays 3-5 PM ET): Play Scrabble at!