We have a candid chat with China -- daughter of Grace Slick and Paul Kantner of Jefferson Airplane -- about growing up in rock n roll heyday, road to recovery, ups, downs, and ultimately her becoming a "spiritual director" to those who are ready for a happier, healthier life. Support hyper-local journalism with a global perspective! Become a member on Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/haight_street_voice Sign up for our upcoming newsletter and never miss a thing! https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/su/bbMRJ7I Follow us on Facebook https://facebook.com/haightstreetvoice https://paypal.me/lindakelly1111 @Linda-Kelly-182 Website http://haightstreetvoice.com #haightstreetvoice #community #haightashbury #jeffersonairplane #psychedelic #chinakantner #paulkantner #graceslick