**I forgot to mention: I will be putting as much of the development process of the community mod on my channel (http://sk1er.club/coding) as possible** Hypixel Forum thread for community mod: https://hypixel.net/threads/sk1er-public-mod-revive-requesting-features.1533264/ Submit features: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfI_qalNIs6h3xK_ekzTCQOL_qMlTOQiEhqvK0HXOD-634ONQ/viewform What features would you want in the ChromaHUD update? Discord (join): http://sk1er.club/discord Twitter: http://twitter.com/Sk1er_ My stats website: http://sk1er.club Autotip download: http://autotip.pro Texture pack: Apexay EUM 3 2.0, Tylarzz 50k by Apexay Outro by Hago (http://sk1er.club/hago)

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