10年前,北京市一所一本升學率高達90%以上的重點中學,推行了一場教學改革。紀錄片《真實生長》,從2012年開始,對教育改革中的3個主人公長期跟拍,從高中階段,到他們大學畢業、進入社會,積攢的素材將近1000個小時,影片監製是曾拍出知名紀錄片《高三》的周浩,在他看來,這部紀錄片可以看到一代95後,如何在社會變化的大背景下,尋找自己生存可能性的故事。 Ten years ago, a key middle school in Beijing with over 90% of its graduates enrolled by key universities carried out an educational reform. Dare to Grow up, a documentary about three students in the school under reform, was made between 2012 and 2020, recording their life from high school to graduation from college. Zhou Hao, the director of the renowned documentary Senior Year, is the producer of Dare to Grow up. To him, Dare to Grow up reveals how the post-95s seek possibilities in life under rapid social *打開CC字幕,觀看體驗更佳哦! *Don‘t forget to turn on CC/Subtitles! 喜歡這則影片,就點個讚👍吧!不要忘記留言告訴我們! If you like this video, please click on 👍 and don't forget to leave your comment! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 【一条Yit】影片,每日更新! Daily original short videos,That tell touching stories. 喜歡這則影片,一定要訂閱我的頻道哦! Subscribe to our YouTube channel here👇! 一条Yit | https://www.youtube.com/一条Yit?sub_confirmation=1 請記得開啟YouTube🔔通知! Turn on the little bell🔔 for notification and be the first one to watch our videos! ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎥其他精彩回顧 Watch More: ▸ 88位中國寒門學霸的故事:逆襲成功後,困惑更多了 The Story of 88 Chinese Straight-A Students from Poor Families https://youtu.be/A7-briinNHs ▸ 6個00後的成長紀錄片:看似無用的興趣,改變了一生 Documentary about Six Post-00s' Growth and Their Seemingly Useless Hobbies https://youtu.be/ePCgkRr9jZM ▸ 理科學霸女孩不顧家人反對,轉行學藝驚艷業界 Despite Family Opposition, Straight-A Science Girl Switched to Art https://youtu.be/3akviQdkpcI ▸ TVB只用5人,就拍出了一部王炸紀錄片!豆瓣9.5分!TVB Documentary Produced by a 5-Member Crew is Rated 9.5 on Douban https://youtu.be/8WdZQu_49jY ------------------------------------------------------------------- 🎥本月精彩推薦 Best of this month: ▸【TOP1】羽生結弦背後的女人 The Woman behind Yuzuru Hanyu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_6cd3z0jI0 ▸【TOP2】北京夫妻的12年極簡人生:房子素極了,卻美到讓人羨慕Beijing Artist Couple Live in a Minimalist Villa for 12 Years https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vyhjd4rOU_4 ▸【TOP3】湖北夫妻兩萬塊造房住:沒房貸,人生未來30年都是自由的Couple Built a House with 20 Grand: No Mortgage Means 30 Years of Freedom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Qkx4ZJ9F6I ▸【TOP4】上海媽媽改造宅基地,大膽用新材料,帶動鄰居審美 Post-70s Woman in Shanghai Renovates Her Rural House with New Materials https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uFize-EGjcY ▸【TOP5】一家三口的森林之家,被媒體捧紅後,繼續孤獨打造樂園 A family of three living in the forest in Chengdu https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=71Edo-UfNq8 ---------------------------------------------------------- 🔗「這裡也可以找到我們」Follow us on: Facebook: https://facebook.com/scmp Website: https://www.yit.com #一条#一條#Yit

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