Model of Fracture, Friction and Wear Processes of Heterogeneous Iron Mechanical and tribotechnical features of powdered materials are strongly influenced by pore volume, fracture character, impurities, alloying, concentration inhomogeneity, friction conditions and other factors. Pores also influence on acceleration of diffusion processes, reduce undercooled austenite resistance. To study porous iron features was used ultrapure additionally annealed in hydrogen powder. Toughness fracture and tribotechnical features had nonmonotonic dependence from porosity different from all known dependences got from technical iron powders. Researches brought out the fact that in process of porosity reduction by pressing and annealing cycles, the average dimension of porous is changed. According to the analysis of porous structure were created models of friction, wear and fracture of pure porous iron. #pores #fracture #toughness #friction #wear #strength #fatigue #elastic #and #plastic #contacts

toughnessfrictionwear strengthfatigueelastic and plastic contacts