大家好 这一期视频和大家分享一道没有人会不喜欢的咖喱鸡 除非您不吃辣 简单的材料 重点在做法 希望大家会喜欢 喜欢我烹饪视频的朋友们 欢迎订阅 打开🔔 帮我点个赞 把视频分享出去让更多人学会 我是 Mr. Hong 感谢大家支持 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEckur4k_HOBlkZNr4LF8UEJ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEdFCdOxhQt-VskSC8MDaPN2 https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEfKIWSE8Xx4lgvpYQ4eNMvk https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEfVq8xfr_l3acUMHVAVoIiZ https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEd5sNFNWnrHEptl2S8qnWvi https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEcPvn1yxyzt6oYwS4c2Y0zg https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEfpf2VYqbk6LBekL_nW8fKa https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLsECuJGuCFEdHtCwAqx5ruFUjUW9lLjs_ 材料 : 肉鸡半只 大约600 克 加入 1 汤匙 咖喱粉腌制 马铃薯 2 粒 香料: 咖喱叶 适量 香茅 2 条 香料汁 搅碎 : 小葱头 10 粒 蒜头 2 粒 香茅 1 条 红椒 2 条 小辣椒 2 条 调味料: 咖喱粉 3 汤匙 盐 适量 糖 适量 水 适量 味道和水分可以自己拿捏 Ingredients #马来西亚咖喱鸡 #CurryChicken https://youtu.be/7K0TP2u2J1A Ingredients (Diana Aw) 1. Chicken 600g (marinate with 1tbsp meat curry powder) 2. Lemongrass x2 smashed 3. Curry leaves 2-3 stalks 4. Potato x2 cut smaller pieces 5. Coconut milk 100g 6. Water 400g (A) Blend the following 1. Shallots x10 cut slices 2. Garlic x2 cut cubes 3. Lemongrass x1 cut thick slices 4. Red chilli x2 cut thick slices 5. Chilli padi x2 cut thick slices (B) Combine the following mix into paste 1. Meat curry powder 3tbsp 2. Little water Seasoning 1. Salt 2tsp 2. Sugar 1tsp Method 1. Deep fry the potatoes till skin turns golden brown 2. Add some oil in a pot and stir fry the blended ingredients (A) till fragrant and oil is extracted under medium low heat 3. Then add curry powder paste (B) and stir fry till fragrant. Add curry leaves and stir till fragrant. 4. Add in chicken and stir fry till fragrant 5. Add in water and potato and turn to high heat. Once boil, add lemongrass and simmer for 10min 6. Add seasoning and coconut milk and turn to high heat to boil 7. Serve and enjoy! 💕 材料:   (wpy ) 鸡肉   半只   (约600g,加1汤匙咖喱粉,混合均匀,腌制。) 马铃薯   2粒   (去皮,切滚刀,炸至金黄,捞起,备用) 咖喱糊:   肉类咖喱粉   3汤匙加3汤匙水伴均匀 清水   约400g (+) 浓椰浆   100g 搅拌料: 混合均,加点水搅烂,备用。 小红葱   10粒   (切小) 蒜   2瓣   (切小) 香茅   1支   (切小) 辣椒   2条   (去籽,切小) 指天椒   2条   (切小) 香料:   香茅   2支   (拍一拍),咖喱叶   适量 调味料:   糖   1茶匙,盐   2茶匙 1.   起锅烧油,倒入搅拌料,中火炒香,炒至出红油,加入咖喱糊炒均匀,        加入咖喱叶,炒香,加入鸡肉,翻炒均匀,加入清水和马铃薯,大火煮滚,        加入香茅,盖上,小火焖煮10分钟,加调味料,试味后加入椰浆,大火煮滚,        即可。 Mr. Hong Kitchen Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/mrhongkitchen Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mrhongkitchen/ 对以下有兴趣 1.九阳电饭锅 2.Cuitisan 各种保鲜盒 或 各种碗碟 3. 解冻盘 4. 铸铁锅 可以发消息给我们 : http://m.me/mrhongkitchen/ #MalaysiaCurryChicken #MalaysianCurryChicken #CurryChicken #ChickenCurry #Curry #Chicken #AsianCurryChicken #KariAyam #AyamKari #Ayam #Kari #咖喱鸡 #马来西亚咖喱鸡 #咖喱 #鸡 #MrHongKitchen #MrHong #食谱 #recipe #MalaysiaCurryChicken #MalayCooking

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