With Memorial Day here, it's grilling season and as I looked at this week's menu my first thought was that I have to get the grill fired up but do it in a healthy way - and think beyond the fatty ribeyes I ate regularly for so many years.Exercises for Fitness |Best Health Tips|Body fitness tips for men Many us when we think of grilling we think of the huge slabs of meat and often the guy cooking them with a beer in hand and maybe a beer belly to match that slab of meat - typically not the healthy, fit image we are all striving for. But grilling in recent years has transformed dramatically from the days of a simple burger or steak on the grill. With the introduction of simple gourmet techniques like marinades or the introduction of unusual ingredients and spices, grilling today provides awesome quality food and cooked properly can be very fit. So let's look at some ways to keep your grilling days super-fit and soul-satisfying. First, if you want to stay fit don't forget what are probably the healthiest thing we can eat - vegetables. Fresh vegetables can be cooked easily on the grill without fat and kept crisp to maintain phytonutrients. Whether it's peppers, tomatoes or onions on a kabob or just some simple vegetables grilled to accompany the meat or fish you will also be grilling, the more color the better. A classic American summertime food like sweet corn which is normally covered with butter can be made every bit as flavorful but far healthier when corn meets the grill.Exercises for Fitness |Best Health Tips|Body fitness tips for men When I cook grilled sweet corn I just rub a bit of olive oil and sprinkle a bit of salt and pepper over it, grilling it until is has a few blackened kernels for taste you won't get from a pot of boiling water. No fatty butter there, only good fat from olive oil but still with all the flavor you want. Second, let's look at our protein sources. Choose less fatty meats or fish and marinade them for flavor since they don't contain much fat which typically provides flavor. For beef: flank steak, sirloin, or beef tenderloin are good choices. Chicken breasts are perhaps the healthiest choice, and certain cuts of pork can be very healthy too. Third, get creative with rubs, marinades, and sauces. Use rubs or marinades and the results can be outstanding.Exercises for Fitness |Best Health Tips|Body fitness tips for men Marinades mean you can cook with out any added fat.Exercises for Fitness |Best Health Tips|Body fitness tips for men You can also make meal preparation time super-quick by spending a few minutes in the morning marinating the meat and then in minutes prepare the dinner after a long day of work.Exercises for Fitness |Best Health Tips|Body fitness tips for men I also have a special device for marinating that a chef at a Ritz Carlton at Half Moon Bay told me about after I had some amazing short ribs for dinner one night - but that's a topic for another day's blog. And for serving, maybe even include a sauce such as a vitamin-rich Argentina-inspired garlic chimichurri sauce or chipotle sauce which I often add depending on my mood. Even a simple hamburger can be made incredibly delicious and more healthful with the right approach (see my video on the grilled sirloin burger with chipotle sauce and guacamole which I will be cooking this evening and posting here later as an example),

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