Please, consider SUBSCRIBING: The highly anticipated Wushan Airport finally opened to the public in 2019, since which time this infrastructure project has wowed passengers and aviation enthusiasts worldwide, mainly due to the unique location upon a flattened mountain ridge about 1771 meters above sea level. A single terminal building of 3,500 square meters can handle around 28,000 passengers per year, as well as roughly 1,200 tons of cargo. The rooftop features a rolling design inspired by the mountainous terrain of Wushan County, which greets passengers coming to and from a handful of national destinations including Chongqing, Shenzhen, Guangzhou and Hangzhou. iChongqing, get to know the secret metropolis of China. Latest news, business opportunities, travel guides, and traditional food and culture. Everything about Chongqing in one place, you can find us here: WEBSITE: FACEBOOK: TWITTER: INSTAGRAM: LINKEDIN:

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