After WWII and the Cold War, democracy looked unstoppable. Lately, it seems more complicated. Francis Fukuyama, Stanford's Olivier Nomellini Senior Fellow and the world’s leading author on the subject, joins us to discuss — could it still be true? — Support us on Patreon: Check out our sources: Hang out in our Discord: — In 1989, Francis Fukuyama — until then a fairly unknown functionary in the US State Department — published an article that started a firestorm of debate. The title, an unassumingly simple question: “The End of History?” Three years later, he followed up with a book, “The End of History and the Last Man,” an engaging, thoughtful, and far-too-often misunderstood work. Fukuyama’s thesis, that liberal democracy is the natural conclusion of all human development, feels almost as strange as saying, “God is good,” when the world is yet filled with so much evil. Yet it is a crucially important idea, and today, though it faces serious challenges, feels like it could be seeing some vindication. So, we set about trying first to understand and then to explain these ideas. Thankfully, professor Fukuyama was gracious enough to join us, and so a very special thanks goes out to him for his help. Without him, this video may not have been possible. — * NOTE: We excluded the Rwandan genocide from the dataset, because it distorts the results and renders the chart difficult to read. However, it’s certainly an event worth noting, and if you’d like to see a graph with it present, check out our old article that partially inspired this video: — CHAPTERS 00:00 INTRODUCTION 01:45 I — THE WORLD STILL TURNS 04:00 II — LIBERALISM IS INEVITABLE 06:18 III — DEMOCRACY IS INEVITABLE 09:14 IV — LIBERAL DEMOCRACY TODAY