If you want more of this stuff: Cast Sings Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KXJuO9yalJs&list=PLc5JWZmusQnSudgvpm6k1_OHmrx-gNyMY Please read the Description! Welcome to the next installment of MLP FiM Cast sings, this time featuring Lulamoon by PsychGoth, Rina Chan and friends - find all the wonderful contributors in the credits! Will anyone believe me when I say I made this to thank Sethisto - and of course because I love the song - not just because featuring Trixie in some way miraculously increases the chances of being featured on eqd? Seriously, if it weren't for him posting my Cast sings Discord video back then, nobody would have noticed it even exists, probably. So... thanks, Seth! I am aware it's not perfect, but I can only work with the material there is. However, I am quite pleased with the result and I hope so are you. If you want to hear the actual song in its full glory you can find the link below. You can also find the lyrics at the video in the credits. *** EqD http://www.equestriadaily.com/2014/05/mlp-cast-sings-lulamoon.html *** ***** Credits ***** Lulamoon http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H0BrGz2ReVo&src_vid=7n55GBQ0cYI All contributers of the original goodness: Composed by - PsychGoth/ Bagpipe Brony Lyrics by - - PsychGoth and SonicSuns Vocals by - - Rina Chan Male vox - - -Equestria Dude Guitars by - -Cyril the Wulf Riff synth - -Delta Brony Trixie dance -KanishiiPanda Visuals - - - Acleps Credit for all the speech used goes to the incredibly talented Voice Actors who work on the series - you guys are huge part of why MLP FiM is such a hit, keep rocking! Art Credits: Trixiemobile http://www.deviantart.com/art/MLP-Resource-The-Great-and-Powerful-Trixiemobile-402464215 If you want the "dancing" Trixie: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0BwPvMHamS0PYbzFKeGxQcVdwbzg/view?usp=sharing It's rough around the edges, but that was no problem for my purpose. MLP FiM belongs to Hasbro, DHX and affiliates, I claim no ownership whatsoever. This is a work of parody and as such protected by Fair Use. Support MLP FiM wherever you can! ***** If you really read this far, take this, you earned it: /)

MyFiMMLPyt:quality=highPonyMagicAceWissleFriendshipLulamoonisTrixieCast SingsLittleWisslemy little ponymlpfimfriendship is magicpony