Digitalization of today's world is a huge step forward, where the digit, thanks to its deep content, by opening, began to answer global questions largely because of the tendency of development and because of the search for a new one by humanity. Art, which, after Malevich's Suprematism, was looking for a continuation, an expectation of which lasted more than a hundred years, was no exception. The next step was taken by matricism (from the word matrix) - a new direction in art that came into the world in 2018. Matricism is a digital art. If Malevich thought of the world as an Objectlessness beginning, then the world in which we live is digital. Matricism is the art of the past, present and future, because the digit was present, is present and will be present in all works. Malevich believed that Suprematism completed everything in art, after he had drawn his square. He made a mistake in reducing everything to zero. The "black square" didn’t stop the existence of form and color, because they exist in their own essence, the square cannot devour what it has in itself. The blunders that were made led art to its decline. Everything between Suprematism and Matricism absorbs the square. There is a sequence in art that does not change itself. There is sequence in everything, where each of the parts is reduced to its minimum, which tangent and are reduced to an even greater minimum. Matricism is a code of art, in which the most important three components are: religion, science and art. It is necessary to go from the abstract to reality, then from reality to the basis and then from the basis to the truth. Come to a simple minimum and go beyond it, where there will be infinity you need to measure. After you measure infinity, cognize eternity. After cognizing eternity, behold God. Do not immerse yourself in the unmeaning since there is something imperative; do not take the earthly, do not take the eternal, take the best, behold the One who created everything, to which there is no limit. About author: Musa Iliev - 12/03/1981 Russia, Republic of Ingushetia, Malgobek. Founder of the science of supremametry, philosophy of digitalism and new trends in the art of transformism and matricism. Founder of the scientific school of painting “MATRIX” Philosopher, poet, artist, photographer, art critic, art theorist. More about Matricism: АРТОБСТРЕЛ - Муса Илиев: Манифест Матрицизма. Муса Илиев. Матрицизм. СЕНСАЦИЯ! Муса Илиев. Цифрализм и Матрицизм.

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