What 20 levels of Bow and a little too much free time gets you. FAQs: System is PS4 How? Lots of practice, luck, and reloading of saves. No tape on the screen (not that I’d think it’d help anyways due to variable arrow arc/drop and bow range) Tips on using bows: you sway side to side when aiming, so you want to get used to how much you sway, and fire when you sway into your target. Aim in their general direction, draw, then wait for you bow to sway right over them. Knowing which part of the bow is “straight” can be a bit tricky, since it changes with the power/range of the bow, your arrows, and your zoom factor changes as you level up your bow level (zoom changes every 5 levels or so). Practice aim with hunting, and distance with the log-shooting archery mini game. You stop swaying at level 20 (if you make it there). For example, drawing the elm longbow takes 3.2 seconds, and the sway starts from left to right. Aim at target on the draw, then wait for the sway to go right over the target. Usually I aim a little lower than what I’m trying to hit, with the arrow shaft sighted to the right, slightly ahead of the target. Arrows tend to fire higher than where you’re aiming along the arrow shaft, and to the left (where the arrow is nocked). Hitboxes are tight, so gaps in the helmet actually count as unarmored! Practice makes perfect, and stealth helps a lot! Good luck :) Music used: Poverty and Famine (Kingdom Come: Deliverance OST)