2016.08.08 台灣原聲童聲合唱團美巡至德州達拉斯,於達拉斯警察局 獻唱《You Raise Me Up》以紀念7月7-8日達拉斯五名警員遭槍擊遇害,純淨的歌聲立即感動了在場所有的警員們,演唱結束後孩子們也大方地擁抱警員們,為他們鼓勵打氣! 2016.08.08 Vox Nativa Choir sang "You Raise Me Up" for at Dallas Police Office, to comfort officers from previous shooting event which caused the death of 5 officers and injury of 9 others. The officers were so touched that they hogged with the kids for long.

台灣原聲童聲合唱合唱團VoxNativaTaiwanChoirchildrenYou Raise Me UpDallasPoliceOfficer看見台灣聽見台灣馬彼得Dallas gunshot達拉斯五名警員遭槍擊遇害