For more info visit Plans to build a new bridge across the River Thames between Canary Wharf and Rotherhithe have taken another step forward following the completion of a detailed feasibility study undertaken by reForm Architects and Elliott Wood engineers with cost management advice from Arup The feasibility study has concluded that an opening pedestrian and cycle bridge is deliverable in East London. The preferred location has been identified as between Durand’s Wharf in Rotherhithe to the Impounding Lock in Canary Wharf. A crossing over the River Thames in this location has been considered before but never to the level of detail contained within this new feasibility study, in which the reForm team has conceived a concept design to test how a bridge would have to operate between the two landing sites to maintain a safe, navigable route for boats using the River Thames. To overcome the numerous technical challenges involved, the reForm team has developed a unique design that would have the largest span for an opening ‘bascule’ bridge in the world. It would be the first opening bridge to be built on the River Thames since Tower Bridge in 1894 and the first dedicated pedestrian and cycle bridge to cross the river. Animation created by Keyframe Visuals:

LondonBridgeCycling (Interest)pedestrianRiver Thames (River)