泰國清邁充滿歷史與文化底蘊,位於古城中心的清邁市藝術文化中心 (Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Center) 是一座不可錯過的文化寶庫,更可以感到一片歐洲氣息 這座歷史悠久的建築,前身是清邁府行政中心,始建於 1924 年,由著名建築師設計,融合了傳統泰式建築風格和歐洲古典建築元素,帶著典雅、浪漫的氛圍。1997 年,清邁市政府決定將其改建為藝術文化中心,以展示清邁豐富的歷史文化遺產 步入中心,映入眼簾的是各式各樣的展覽。除了展出清邁從史前時期到現代的歷史發展,包括考古發現、傳統藝術、民俗文化、宗教信仰等方面的文物外,更不乏現代設計的藝術品,展現著清邁的藝術活力 令我印象深刻的,除了展覽品本身,還有建築本身的藝術魅力。這座建築採用傳統的泰式木結構,屋頂為典型的泰式尖頂,帶有精美的雕刻和彩繪,融合了泰國與歐洲的色彩,展現著獨特的建築美學 清邁市藝術文化中心不僅是了解清邁歷史文化的窗口,也是一個學習和研究清邁歷史文化的好地方。中心設有圖書館和檔案室,收藏了大量相關資料,讓遊客可以更深入地了解清邁的歷史文化 外在與內涵皆備的地方,很值得花一個下午去慢慢的逛 Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Center 173 Prapokklao Rd, Tambon Si Phum, Mueang Chiang Mai District, Chiang Mai 50200, Thailand @Thailand Chiang Mai, a city steeped in history and culture, holds a treasure trove of artistic and historical significance within its ancient walls. The Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Center, nestled in the heart of the old city, is a must-visit for anyone seeking to immerse themselves in the city's rich heritage. This historical building, originally serving as the Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Center, was built in 1924 by renowned architects. It seamlessly blends traditional Thai architectural elements with European classical styles, creating an elegant and romantic atmosphere. In 1997, the Chiang Mai Municipal Government transformed it into an arts and cultural center to showcase the city's vibrant history and cultural legacy. Stepping inside, you're greeted by a diverse array of exhibitions. From archaeological discoveries and traditional art to folk customs and religious beliefs, the center chronicles Chiang Mai's journey from prehistoric times to the present day. Contemporary art pieces also grace the halls, reflecting the city's thriving artistic scene. Beyond the exhibitions themselves, the building's architectural beauty is equally captivating. Constructed with traditional Thai wooden structures and crowned with distinctive Thai-style pointed roofs, it boasts intricate carvings and vibrant paintings. This fusion of Thai and European influences results in a unique architectural masterpiece. The Chiang Mai City Arts & Cultural Center is more than just a window into Chiang Mai's history and culture; it's also a hub for learning and research. The center houses a library and archives, offering a wealth of information to delve deeper into the city's past. This place, rich in both outward beauty and inner depth, is well worth spending an afternoon exploring. 攝影器材: - Sony A7C @SonyHongKong - Sony FE 20-70mm F4 G 都市遊魂 Facebook - http://www.facebook.com/citytraveldreamer Instagram - http://www.instagram.com/citytraveldreamer Web - https://www.citytraveldreamer.com Twitter - https://twitter.com/kenliuhk NFT - https://opensea.io/citytraveldreamer Support me - https://www.buymeacoffee.com/kenliuhk