Hello everyone! Today, i will show you some loadouts, weapons, accessories, armor to help you for your next rogue playthrough This is maybe one of my biggest project yet so a sub to the channel will be very cool! All the armor/weapon/accessories info come from the Calamity wiki Want a Terraria server? Use code "brome" in bisect hosting for 25% off your first month! Thanks for supporting the channel! https://bisecthosting.com/brome Calamity progression wiki: https://calamitymod.fandom.com/wiki/Guide:Class_setups My Calamity progression videos: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPoEK9mlzgXVO9YFtKMYG6fSAPmzSoVDZ *Remember that the loadout i show are not the only one you can use. Get creative and create your own loadout if you want! Also, i included minimal expert only loot so this video is normal mode friendly! My discord: https://discord.com/invite/nYJfz3jgQy My instagram: https://instagram.com/sacha_osm?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=

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