#translation protien synthesis #translation #translation ninja nerd #translation class 12 #translation in eukaryaotes #translation csir net #translate #translation motion #translation process #translation process biochemistry #translation process in hindi #translation process of protein synthesis #translation process in detail view #translation process of protein synthesis step wise Translation process in urdu for 12 class #cell physiology bsc nursing 1st year #phases of translation #initation phase #peptidyl elongation phase #termination phase of translation #activation of amino acids #from DNA to protien synthesis #eukaryotic translation #stages of translation #structure of ribosomes #translocation process #second stage of protien synthesis #the translational process involves the following components #mRNA or messenger RNA #containing the genetic information to br translated #tRNA bringing in the amino acids,the building block of proteins Ribosome-the machine that perform the translation #the ribosome has 2 subunits small and large #several initiataion factors ,elongation factors and release factors.these factors assist with initiataion Elongation and termination of the process respectively #steps of the translational process #initiataion tRNA #elongation tRNA #termination rRNA #the ribosome has 3 sides #the A site is the entry site #the p site is occupied by peptidyl- tRNA #the E site is the exit site for tRNA after its done delivering the amino acids #anticodon #mRNA codon #termination happen when 0ne of three codons is positioned in the A -site #release factors #cleavage of the bond between the polypeptide and the tRNA #the newly made polypeptides usually requires additioonal modification and folding before it can become an active proteins #translation ,protein synthesis for class 12 in urdu and hindi #translation for class fsc #dr najeeb #shamus biology #brainless medicose #ninja nerd #complementary three nucleotide sequence or polypeptides chain #students in class 9,11,12 or appearing for competitive medical exams/mdcat will find it very useful #the videos are categories under different headings to make the students life simplified #one stop destination for all physiological lectures # physiological lectures with tutorials #physiology lectures with notes #support us so we can grow together #subscribe my channel and be sure to like and share to others #spreading medical knowledge #essential cell physiology lectures #phases of translation #stages of translation #Baylor tutoring centre #Khan academy #Alila medical media #Ali academy biology lecture Support us so we can grow together Translational process of protein synthesis with model