Personal Capital Review 2022 [Millionaire's Favorite Money Management App] ►Personal Capital ►Capital One Quicksilver Credit Card ($200 bonus) ►Lively HSA (health savings account) ►IBKR - Interactive Brokers Brokerage Account ($1,000 IBKR shares bonus) I talk a lot about Personal Capital and I haven’t done a full review of it in awhile, so it is time because I use this app ALL THE TIME!!! Seriously, I don’t have to log into 12 different accounts to see my full financial picture. It’s just one now. I log in and my Personal Capital account refreshes all of my other accounts within about a minute or so and I can see everything IN ONE PLACE. I can see if my investments dropped, if I missed a payment, if I got charged a late fee, everything. Personal Capital is free. If you want to work with one of their financial advisors, then you’d pay for that service, but just using their platform is completely free. You’ll be able to see your full financial picture in just one place. Your bills, savings, checking, 401k & any other accounts. Plus, it will show you your net worth and how much more you’ll need for retirement. It can even show you if you go over your budget. In order to get all of these amazing benefits, first, you’d set up your account. Personal Capital will ask you for your basic info and then you’ll want to hook all of your financial accounts to Personal Capital. And I mean ALL of them so you can really get a detailed overview of your FULL financial picture. Their platform is compatible with lots and lots of different companies. Once you have all of your accounts linked, you can also add any assets or liabilities you may have. Net worth. They take all of your assets and subtract out all of your liabilities, which gives you your net worth. They categorize all of your accounts for you, so you can see the total amount of cash you have. They’ll categorize your stock market investments together, your HSA (health savings account), brokerage account, Roth IRA, 401k, etc so you can see where your investment amounts are currently at. Under all of these categories, you can click on anything inside of the category and then it will show you the breakdown. You can see a list of all your transactions. If you don’t want to click on a category and then see individual transactions for that one category, you can click on ‘transactions’ and get a full list of every single transaction that’s been made on all of your accounts. I love this because I can see immediately if a payment has gone through or if rental income is actually in my checking account. I don’t know if you’re like me, but sometimes I get nervous with auto pay and I wonder if the bill has really been paid. When you use Personal Capital, you no longer have to open each of your accounts to make sure the auto payments went through. Also, by seeing a list of all your transactions, you can see if there’s a subscription you forgot about. Since you’re able to see everything in one place, it’s easier to start noticing trends and start making adjustments to spend less or spend more on what’s really important to you. By seeing all of these transactions, you can also set budget amounts in Personal Capital for any categories you’d like. You can see how much you’re spending on housing or transportation or shopping and set a certain amount for each category and then see when you go over your budget. Personal Capital will also show you your complete portfolio. You can compare your investments to something else, like the total U.S. stock market. I also use, which is very similar to Personal Capital. BUT, Personal Capital’s retirement section blows Mint’s out of the water. Once you’re retirement accounts are all hooked, Personal Capital will show you how much you are paying in fees. ►Personal Capital ►Get 2 FREE stocks valued up to $2000 (when you deposit $100) ►My Book: Financial Freedom For Females (also applies to males) ►M1 Finance (Invest in partial shares) ➥➥➥ FAVORITE CREDIT CARDS ➥➥➥ ►Capital One Quicksilver Credit Card ($200 bonus) ►Chase Freedom Credit Card ($200 bonus) ►Discover IT Credit Card ($50 bonus) ►Venmo Credit Card (earn 3% cashback) #personalcapitalreview2022 #personalcapital2022 #FinancialFreedom #TiffanyThomasYourWealthMentor DISCLAIMER: Content is for informational purposes only and should not be considered personal financial advice. This video and description may contain affiliate links. Personal Capital Advisors Corporation (“PCAC”) compensates Wealthy Tiffany LLC for new leads. Wealthy Tiffany LLC is not an investment client of PCAC.

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