The popular understanding of The Crusades in the West is that they involved barbaric, violent Christians invading the peaceful and enlightened Islamic world. Films like Kingdom of Heaven and Mankind: The Story of Us reinforce this narrative. But the truth is the reality of the Crusades is much, much different. In fact, it's the polar opposite. In this video Bob of Speaker's Corner explains why The Crusades were not only morally justified, but were also a historic achievement. Buckle up for a crash course in over 1,000 years of European and Middle Eastern history! #davidwood #quran #dawah #apologetics #christianity medieval #speakerscorner #london #theology Extra history #godlogic #bible #shirk #sneako #exmuslim kingdom of heaven Original video Bob's Patreon @bobofspeakerscorner1099 Philippians 2:5-7 5 In your relationships with one another, have the same mindset as Christ Jesus: 6 Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be used to his own advantage; 7 rather, he made himself nothing by taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness. #Saracens #knightstemplar #History #War #Crusades #Christianity #Pope #Siege #Saladin #Medieval #Muslim #Europe #Cross #middleages #holyLand #Jerusalem #religion #arabic #knights #battle

CrossCrusadesEuropeHistoryHoly LandJerusalemKnights TemplarMedievalReligionSaladinSaracensSiegeWarali dawahall crusades explainedchristian princecrusades history explainedcrusades vs muslimsjesus is eternalmuslims have meltdownmuslims have meltdown after learningmuslims have meltdown after learning these historical factsmy christianity is one who followed georgianspope urban crusadesseventh crusadewhy the crusades were justified