《天》是应教育部委约,为2016年新加坡青年节艺术展演汇所创作的小学华乐团指定曲。 Commissioned by the Ministry of Education, "Sky" was a set piece for the Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) 2016 Arts Presentation for Chinese Orchestra (Primary School level). 仰望天空 Gazing at the sky 白云悠悠 Clouds like islands in a blue sea 姿态万千 Shapes shifting and transforming 幻想的世界 Worlds of imagination 飞向天空 Flying to the sky 乌云翻滚 Clouds of storm and thunder 电闪雷鸣 Winds howling and gusting 波荡的世界 Worlds of turbulence 翱翔天空 Soaring in the sky 彩云绚丽 Clouds revealing islands in a blue sea 视野开阔 Horizons extending and broadening 理想的世界 Worlds of ambitions 回望天空 Gazing at the sky again 浩瀚宇宙 Wonders of the universe beyond 星光闪烁 Stars sparkling and shimmering 梦想的世界 Worlds of dreams - 王辰威 - Wang Chenwei 广阔的天空象征着学生们无限的发展空间。乐曲完稿后,作者创作了以上这首诗,以表现乐曲的四个阶段:幻想、奋斗、成功、反思,意味着天外有天,我们要不断求上进。 The boundless sky represents the vast world of possibilities for young students. After completing the composition, the composer wrote the above poem to illustrate the four stages of the piece: imagination, struggle, success and reflection, inspiring us to always reach for the sky. Raffles Alumni Chinese Orchestra, conductor: Cheow Xunqi 20 Aug. 2017, Yong Siew Toh Conservatory of Music Concert Hall, Singapore 莱佛士校友华乐团,赵迅祺 指挥 2017年8月20日于新加坡杨秀桃音乐学院音乐厅 http://www.facebook.com/rafflesalumnico/ http://wangchenwei.wordpress.com
