I Found the Viral Formula for HOME RUN TikTok Shop Videos 🎓How to Sell on Tiktok Shop (the Future of eCommerce): https://www.udemy.com/course/how-to-sell-on-tiktok-shop-the-future-of-ecommerce/?referralCode=CADB93636DD4C7A7B5AB 🤳🏻How I Get High Quality B Roll for Titkok Videos (Try Viralecomadz): https://viralecomadz.com/guerra447 🎬Try Creatify AI Here (Winning AI Product Videos for Tiktok): https://creatify.ai/?via=bryan ^Get 15% off with code REFERRAL15 👨🏼💻🤝Free Discord (No Hidden Upsells - Just a community to talk eCom and share what's currently working vs. what's not): https://discord.gg/N8A9SWe8UK 📞Want 1 on 1 Mentorship from Bryan? Book a Call: https://clarity.fm/bryanguerra1 Ask a ?: https://app.minnect.com/expert/BryanGuerra 🎓How to Start Retail Dropshipping (Free Crash Course): https://bryan-guerra.teachable.com/p/crashcourse 📰Stay Updated with this Free Monthly eCommerce Newsletter (What's Working in eCom this Month): https://www.learnecom.net/stayupdated Use this PROVEN 4 Step Formula for HOME RUN Tiktok Shop Videos 1) Find a good product and add that product to your shop (or shop showcase if you’re an affiliate) a. Literally manually list this to your shop if you’re a seller b. Or just click add to showcase if you’re an affiliate 2) Find a good product video that’s already proven for that product a. Tiktok shop will show you how many sales a product has so you can list products that have thousands of sales and are already proven to get sales on the site (you’re not guessing). b. Then when you click on a product it’ll literally show you “videos with this product” and you can see which ones are selling that product that have already gone viral 3) Rewrite their script in your own words (very similarly and keep their 5-10 second hook in the beginning) a. You can either do this manually and just listen and write it down…or you can go the lazy route and use a transcribing software (there are a bunch out there that will work – 1 example is descript)….. or you can just download it off titkok, upload it to youtube for a few seconds…and then use any of the free transcribe youtube video sites out there to download the script instantly (just google them – again, there are a bunch) that’s the lazy and free way 4) Use viralecomadz for high quality b roll to put over top of the voiceover showing that product/that product being used a. Just go to viral ecom adz .com and order the tiktok split testing package….input the URL of your product after you order….and they’ll email you within 3 business days with 3 different videos showcasing that product (usually with transitions and several different clips showing it edited together well). b. Then go to tiktok, upload that b roll clip…and record your voiceover on top of that b roll. BOOM. You’ve got a potential winning video just like that. c. Don’t just make this video once use several variations of it and upload them all (change the hook/script slightly….change the call to action slightly….change the viralecomadz videos) i. Your first variation of this might be great….but it also might flop. Test a few different variations. d. Consider Upgrading to the VIP plan so you can get videos supper cheap You can try viral ecom adz linked in the description. It’s a game changer for high quality product videos and high quality b roll to showcase your tiktok products. This works so well b/c you’re using products that are already selling well…so you know there’s a market for them on tiktok already…plus you’ve already got proof of concept that someone else is selling them well. Also, you’re using the same exact rough script that worked for them…which does that mean that it’ll 100% work for you too? No, of course not…but it stacks the odds in your favor….and you have a much higher likelihood of going viral with a video like this (than if you were to just record one yourself with something that you’re not sure would work). Plus you can systemize this. Now we know how we can replicate winners over and over again…so it just becomes about increasing the volume and making more videos like this (and not hoping and praying one of our videos might get picked up by the algorithm). The algorithm will look for other similar videos when a video is successful…so naturally…your videos can be that option and you can piggy back off other viral videos since yours is extremely similar. I’d also recommend posting the video script as the caption too. I’m not 100% sure if this matters (it honesty might not)…but if there’s even a slightly chance it gives the algorithm more information and a higher indicator that it’s just like those other videos…it’s worth it. So do that….and it doesn’t take any extra effort since you should already have the script written.