肉夹馍是陕西著名小吃,在西安的大街小巷随处可见,深入老陕的日常饮食生活。烘烤到酥脆的白吉馍,老汤中煮到软烂喷香的腊汁肉,剁碎夹于馍中。吃起来肥而不腻,瘦而不柴,咬一口满嘴油,齿颊生香。再搭配凉皮和冰峰,组合成经典的三秦套餐,就是阿星从小吃到大的美味。 Roujiamo is a famous snack in Shaanxi, which can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Xi'an, and penetrate into the daily food life of Shaanxi people. Bake until crispy Baiji steamed buns, cooked in the old soup until the meat is fragrant, minced and sandwiched in the bun. It tastes fat but not greasy, thin but not woody, bites full of oil. Combined with Liangpi and Bingfeng, they form a classic Sanqin cuisine, it's the delicious food that Axing has eaten since childhood.

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