At Acuity, we integrate AI into our operations in two distinct ways. CEO Acuity Trading, Andrew Lane explains . . . "Initially, our focus was on sentiment analysis, where we developed various methods to extract and interpret data from textual content effectively. This foundational use of AI allowed us to gain nuanced insights from diverse text sources. More recently, we've expanded our AI applications into the realm of generative AI to boost our company's efficiency. Our efforts include brand-based sentiment analysis, which helps us understand how consumers perceive different brands. Additionally, we're exploring AI-driven summarisation and translation to enhance our product offerings and streamline internal processes. By continuously refining these AI applications, we aim to improve both our products and overall company efficiency, ensuring that we stay at the cutting edge of our industry." Excerpt from AI Horizons: Designing the Future of Brokerage panel discussion at iFXExpo Dubai. Watch in full:

fintechgenerative aisentiment analysis